Friday 23 January 2009

Bye bye MacAndrews, Welcome Shipowners

Hiya everyone !

For those who don't already know, I am happy to say that I have found a job !!!
Shipowners's protection Ltd. It's a P&I Club, which means that it is a insurer/lawyer company only for the maritime world.
It's AWSOME ! the team is nice, the boss is nice, the job is so interesting - I am going to learn so many things ! - , it is closer to my other half's job, and cherry on cake they offered me more money than I had asked for !! hou hou hou :-)
I am sad though to leave MacAndrews, it was a second home and family for me. I cried a bit when I gave my resignation letter to my boss ( I am way over sensitive ! ) who was by the way very supportive.
Anyway, so after two years and three months, I am leaving MacAndrews at the end of the month, so if somebody wants to apply for my job, you can send me your cv !!


oxy said...

Je te félicite de tout mon coeur! Tu l'as bien merité!
Gros bisous

oxy said...

au fait, c'est Oksana)))))

Bertrand said...

Super génial !!!!
Moi bien content pour toi !